Discussion Topics

  • What’s your endgame?
  • Will that provide the return of capital that you need to retire comfortably?
  • What’s your timeline?
  • Can you achieve your goals within this timeline?
  • If you would like to speed things up (scale rapidly), how can this be done?
  • How can you maximize value when it comes time to sell?
  • How can you increase profitability along the way?
  • What about work/life balance and dealing with the stress of growing and running a business?

These are just a few examples of the initial questions we typically discuss with clients to help them create a realistic vision of where they want to take their business and why.

More specific topics that are typically dealt with over time include:

  • Ownership structure
  • Owner and staff roles
  • Sales growth
    • Organic
    • Acquisition
  • Sales team structure
    • Hiring challenges
  • Compensation ratios and formula’s
  • Margin Growth
  • Overhead cost ratio’s
  • Workflow
  • Management techniques and documents
  • Business plan review and/or development
  • Exit strategy