On the eve of closing this amazing deal you have structured I just want to thank you. Thank you for your brilliance and your problem solving skills. Thank you for your smart negotiations and suggestions. I so appreciated your patience with me and with the buyers team – how you walked me through my questions sometimes over and over again until I felt sure. You truly realize what a huge undertaking selling even a small company is and have shown me not just your business acumen but empathy and understanding of the emotional side as well. I feel like I even had a therapist all the way through! Lastly thank you for taking my calls no matter when I made them. I would tell anyone looking to enhance their business or sell it that they would definitely get their money’s worth TENFOLD to hire you and the Promo Consulting team.   One last THANK YOU!
Date posted: May 6, 2024 | Author: | Comments Off on Trish Glazer


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